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Doctor Who

Wednesday, November 10

Nellie; I'm the Velociraptor

    So Delaney came over today after our half day of school it was fun. Thats all im a liberty to say other than I showed her how to solve a Cube..again. then she FORGOT THE PAPERS! UUUUUEWBSDFGIHGVKBSDI ECK!

Oh and BTW im not a BOY!  I do not really even look like one! I have short hair yeah well so does nellie and you don't see anyone calling her a boy ; ) and i DEFINITLY UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE WILL I EVER be DELANEY'S BOY ewwwwwwwwwwwwww. Sorry I am straight as a straight thing.

Oh and Nellie you are so morally crooked. I mean really you should be ashamed of yourself !

sorry abou the super short posts u guys but NanoWrimo ate my sould , Nuff said

DFTBE ( dont forget to be EPIC)  * pokes self in eyesocket*

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