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Doctor Who

Monday, November 8

Under the Lombardo Tree

So recently I have been drawing this robot guy. Last night I was tdrawing more robots when I was like HEY! SO I took my little CD and looked off of that and drew the "lombardo Tree" then I Worked on it for about an hour and forty five minutes
Originally this was a seperate picture to begin with with a robot under a regular tree and you could only see part of the tree. That was to show the contrast of something so hard and atificial vs. Something completely natural. 
But of coutrse now this picture doesn't have the same meaning to it other than... I was bored. But I wouldn't use bored I would say more like inspired maybe... Uhh Yeah that'll work. Inspired.  And thie funny thing is I was listening to MiLo as I was drawing this.TeHe He He I wonder if Delaney is actually reading thisor if saw lombardo in the title and walked over to a different website....Hi ! 
So yes i am proud of this piece of art I think  it is rather ..EPIC! Yes three things I love all combined into one simple picture that I Like!
Words :18322

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