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Doctor Who

Wednesday, November 3

Big Fat Lying Lair Pants

     so I had to go in and get my immunnizations today cause I cannot remember the last time I got a hot if i ever did get one....... So yeah I get in the car an we're driving and I'm all like how many shots do I need. My mother said to guess I said Uh 7 Jokingly Then I hopped around numbers. Then she was like not 7 but. "SIX?!?! " ! other way EIGHT! I need Eight shots holy cows! that sounds semi painful. So I get in there and turns out it WAS 7 but two of them I dont have to get until january. YES! so I had to get 5 shots and then the snuff...wowo that sounded bad REPHRASE
I had to get 5 shots and then the nasal vaccination for the flu.
SO I'm siiting in the chair and shes got all the needles and little tiny sized bottles all set out on the counter and Its all could do not to get up and just walk out. I mean I thought they were really gonna hurt because everyone at school is always. I got a shot yesterday and it hurts soooo much and now my arm is SOOOO sore. " ~ normally after they say that I poke them in the arm. ...cause Im mean like that. Well the nurse lady was like " You're not gonna hit right?" I was " Noo.... I dont think." then she walks over and the needle to the first one is like this long
________________________ ?!?! I was all thinking colt Shiiiiiiiiiiiii Takemushrooms she sgoing to insert that into my arm! So she was all wiping that cotton ball on my arm and then BAM...nothing. You people are such big fta LIARS shots do not hurt. You guys got me all worked up about THAT! and i had to get it FIVE TIMES and it only kinda hurt at all a little bit on one of them because she got it in my arm and (not purposely) twisted the needle while she clicked it shut or whatever you do when its injected. and it was the one that goes right into my muscle. So I winced a little bit. and before I got my shots while we were walking to the room she was all " I'll give you a sticker when you're done hows that sound" I WAS RIPPED OFF ! i didn't get a sticker. so my mom said that tomorrow she would go down ( cause she works there) and get me a sticker so I could put it on my binder all proud like. Which kinda made me feel like a small child but still. I want MY STICKER! you liars done lied to me You weakies!
DFTNLTYFAGSCTMYGJF ( dont forget to not lie to your friends about getting shots cause that make s you a giant jerk face)

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