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Doctor Who

Sunday, November 7

Big Red plates & Fun weekends

    So this weekend has been a LOt of fub. By fun I mean I have done absolutely nothing but TV, computer, all that good stuff. So My mom went out to buy new plates the other day and now we have these big thick, ugly, chunky, wide, heavy, red, plates. I hate them. for one they are too heavy. For two you can only put 5 in the drainer aty once because they are too big. And you know what worse than the plates do ya do ya>??? Yeah we got the whole f-ing set. So we got big chunky heavy  red bowls cups AND plates! what fun ( sarcasm) And  I am watching tHe end of TIme parts 1 and 2 ( DW) cause I jusrt realized I never watched them before : ) Stupid me. How could i not realizr I didnt know how david tennant doies when hes the doctor he was onyl my favotirwe doctor, ever in the history of wishy washy time wimey stuff/ !
words: 17393

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