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Tuesday, November 30

28 Hours

     So It went by pretty smoothly I'd have to say. It wasn't all that hard really. I got kinda hyper at times and was a tad tired in Math class though and that was about it. I actually stayed up for 29 ours and forty some odd minutes.

I promised a few records of how I was feeling during each of the hours. I didn't have a chance in each hour, especially in math where you're always fighting to cram in one more problem before she calls for calculators. So here goes and this is word for word, letter for letter what I wrote BTW

Hours @ School

HOUR 1-This whole tired thing is sort of having the opposite affect. I thought it would I thought it would be all, HELP ME!!!  Im a dyin over here. if this exhaustion doesn't the boredom will" but its not. m actually semi-hyper ☺Which can't be a good outlook for later. strangely I seem to be movin thinkin anf talkinga whole lot faster than usual

 I wonder if after enough of this someone would go mad " I've been considering things that start with the letter 'M'"Comes to mind. My wrist kinda hurts a little bit. ow. We're now discussing Family trees. What fun.

Hey! thats awesome I haven't slept in 21 hours and I'm still chock full o' sarcasm

HOUR 2-well since it was band I'm actually writing this @ lunch. I kinda have the jitters and im all goin Nuts and such 

LUNCH- J  I  T  T  E  R  S 
             & J  U  M  P  S 
                                              +  musical w/ Alexis

HOUR 3- I'm sort of predicting a whole Mood swing .  I can sorta feel a decrease in jitters. Did Imention i Pwned crossroads in band class

So that was all I had a chance to write all day : ( sad I know. buyt random at pars. turns out the whole mood swing thign was partially right. I got a little sad for aboput twenty minutes and then during math I was tired and I got annoyed during computers , but thats always to be expected from me.  : ) 
       when I got home arounf 4 :30 ish I was kinda tired I  Ate some food and did one chore and then went tobed. I woke up at 7 : 31 in the morning the next day : ) 

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