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Doctor Who

Sunday, November 21

Bored Face

      so apparently I make a really bored face in English class. Which I find to be hysterical because that is like one of the only classes that I like. So I sit there looking bored for about fourty, fifty minutes and then leave,. I wonder what the teacher thinks......*strokes invisible beard*. Well I mean all we do is read touching Spirit bear in my pants all the time which does get kind of boring. One person described it as " You just look like you're not trying, like there is no challenge" which is true. We did a worksheet on Double negatives for crying out loud! and we're pointing out words like Makeshift. I have basically pretend to be dumber than I am. saying I don't know what effing " bough" is.  yes yes i do thank you. sorry if i'm too darn smart for the HONORS class. Sorry if i'm bored because i already know what fleeting means! And how does delaney even look remotely interested during that class! I'm almost sure she  also knew what fleeting meant, or at least makeshift. I mean sirius-L-Y we do vocabulary words. Thats not even the bad part the bad part is that these vocab words were like : Résumé and interminable EW<>and somehow it remains my favorite class.Maybe its just Mr Johnson's good  * Sassy Girl chewing  gum very obnoxiously and making weird hand gestures* impression


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