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Doctor Who

Friday, November 12

Nano Wrimo

25,001 words so far   
REALLY!?! just had to be that one more word REALLY!  I didn't plan this # out but i was really hoping to get exactly 25000 but NO! that one stupid word just had to go and BE THERE! stupid word too "anything". 
41 pages on 12 font
but im writing in 8 so I have 20 pages

 Nanowrimo is going great what is that you say you want an excerpt well here goes an all fixed one : ) 

      “ I snuck these in” She pulled them out “ Who wants to play laser tag
She tossed one to each of us and ran “ Jakub is it” Jacob got me right in the eywes, I flashed him back while running away. Before he could get me I ducked behind a cutout of elvis. I heard foot steps and saw mike coming up  he ducked behind the cutout with me. 
“ Who is it?”  He stood up Flashed me and ducked behind a different display. I tried to find zoey Buut she was nowhere to be seen. I saw Jakub out of the sorner of my eye. I flashed him and gt him in the stomach.  He quick turned and flashed one of th mannequin’s only it wasn’t a mannewuin it was zoey, posed as one. Shew as wearing a coat that probably belonged to someone famous. She pulled a tiny cmarea , about the sixe , of a tic tac big pack. And took a picture of herself. Slid the coat off, Flashed me oput it back on a different mannequin and ran. Mike ran past me faster than I could tell it was him but he ended up tripping over  Jakub and they b oth fell into a pile. I flashed Jakub in the fac and ran . It was a few minute before anyone found m huddled up in the corner of a dark area. Zoey Got me in the leg and ran . I could just make out someone standing kitty coprner form Me I flashed them saw for a moment tht It wasn’t Mike , Jakub or Zoety, then ran. I Found Zoey told I flashed someone by accident Then flashed her and ran off.  The look on her face before I started to run was hysterical. I just glanced back over my shoulder for a second and she flashed me in the fac then ducked just in time for my flash to miss her and hit a running Jakub behind her. He pretended it hit him in the hear and had an over exaggerated fall to his death I laughed the he quick sat up and shot me I fell to my death and he  was blwing the smoke of his laser pointer I got hi  min the foot. He tried to eget me back but I ducked looked ant him, where it hit the wall, back at him then ran. I  took off headed for the costumes again when Zoey popped out of nowhere and got me.I shined her back then without turning mine off she shined me. SO we made a deal we were going to shuffle not taking our beams off one another till we found someinte else and then we would both shoot him. Mike didn’t seem to be to happy about this partnership. Zoey ducked in time but I didn’t.  I was it. I spun around in a circle with my light on seeing who I might catch when I heard a little girl say “ look mommy a light show, someones doing a light show in the basement. Lets golook”  
From there we had to stop, because had nother two minutes gone by chances are we would’ve enen caught and then thrown out. Which Is no fun at all so we found a different way yo get thrown out. Zoey pulled out her ipod and snuck into the control room. Luckily there was nobody inthere sonce al lthe guards were looking for the three kids with the laser piointers.  It was just too easy She downloaded six songs onto the computer, Dowloaded about forty different viruses and put all the speakers on high then hit play. And ran. There was no need to get thrown out ew ran for it. This was going to be legendary. The kids who blasted Hannah Montana, country, and taylor swift  at the rock and roll mueseum and hall of  fame.

Sorry about how bad it is grammar and spelling wise I didn't edit it : ) Im SO LAZY! GO LAZY PEOPLE! 

~ Hannah
"maybe our favorite quotes say more about us than the people or the stories we're quoting" John Green

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