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Doctor Who

Monday, November 8

I got sent out : ) YAY!

     SO we went into 4th hour and Isis was all ike het I got this really far you should solve the rest for me. I was like " okay but if I get it taken away I'm not getting it back for you" then i listened to the discussion we were having ( I was about 50% sure it was on 4th of july celebrations..maybe) And solving the cube. I was like barely looking at the cube for most of it. So I get to the point where I have to solve the corners of the last layer and then I'm done. SO I got it like all the way done and Im like about to dleclare that I have solved it. The cube was one simple turn to line up the sides. THen " Hannah , you can go play that outside"  I thought right then " YUO HAVE GOT TO BE F***ING KIDDING ME ! "  and As I stand up. I am tempted to say " Do actually want me to take it out with me because I mean I would be more than happy to"  But I had like set the cube down on ma desk , in my head  I slammed it, then walked out after about a minute I realized that I left the Cube inside.. Im a moron. SO I sat outside and all hour I was trying think up good if life gives you lemons for my if life gives you lemons page in my notebook.And then Mr.Erspamer comes down the eighth grade stairs. And hes all looking at me in disbelief " How come ur not inside " I got sent out" He shook his head. But we all knew I have always been a bad kid. : ) Im stilla favorite though.  Then when he came back down the hall he was like " What for" I was like " fixing Isis Rubik's cube" then he sighed and kept on a walkin'. then Naomi was like "Hannah you got sent out " I said ~Yeah , "you got sent out wow". and all the time I was out there I could hear the class get really loud, then dead silence, then really loud, then teacher yelling, then kinda loud, then dead silence and it went lik that al l hour.then at 12:21 I went in cause that when we're supposed to be dismissed , but nobody was leavin'. So I meanderdover and poked my hesd in the doorI pointed me and then inside the classroom , cause it was all quiet and you dont wanna be the person to break the silence. And Mrs. Washburn nodded her head. So I cam in and satie down. We got  realeased a minute and a half AFTER the bell for the next class had rung. she chewwed out the class, glasd I wasn't in there to wirtness it. I am sad that I missed seQuoia Getting written up for gum ( if you wanna set little guidelines as to what to worry about whe ur presenting somethign use this chick !  Shes so damn picky that It doesn't get and B**chier than her :)  Arent I nice?.I went in m set my stuff down. And was like I really gotta pee can I go to the bathroom she was all wait just go inside real quick. Then she ( MAth teacher) came in and now we have assigned seat : O . she moved Delaney and i across the room from each other, then put Isis behind me, now what kinda logic is that\

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