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Doctor Who

Sunday, November 14

Gay and Stupid = not synonyms

     I am so TIRED of this. Gay it IS an adjective. but the word gay does not mean stupid, retarded, dumb. Gay means to like someone of the same gender. take for example someone draws a picture and then someone (tony) comes along and says " thats so Gay" 1 the picture isn't living and can't have a sexuality and 2 doesn't have a gender.  And lets just say for 1 second that it does, why say that as if it is a bad thing. Its not its just the same as being heterosexual. also stop calling people homo.

     You may not realize it but using the word gay in that way is hate speech, its mean, rude, annoying, and just hands down discriminating.


and if you read this post and decide that you are still going to use the word gay like that that just make you a totoal @$$h0!3

have a nice day :   )

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