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Doctor Who

Wednesday, November 3

Teachings of the cube

So Delaney says that she wants me to teach her how to solve a rubik's cube. So All during science ( after we did our work) Im trying to show her how to solve it and shes all
but how do i know when I do that,
which one do i use the top one or the bottom one
and all these questions thta I never had to ask abnd such. Maybe I suck at teaching people how to solve rubik's cubes and well she can solve the first 2 layers now with some occasional help and explanation. But she can't at all solve the top layer right now i dont think. But yeah it was really fun...and confusing. for me it was really easy and it took a little less than a week to remember all but 1 of the algorithms.
I think Algorithms is my new favorite word

BTW I'm in computers class right now ; )
~SINS<--- that stands for Secret Invisible Ninja Spy

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